Thank You Bingo
Thank you is a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment. We collected a list of 25 different translations of thank you in different languages to create these bingo cards.
The word list includes the word thank you in languages like Japanese, Arabic, Finnish, Swedish and French.
We made the cards using The Bingo Maker bingo card maker; Click here to download a sample PDF file of 2 thank you bingo cards.
you may create your own custom bingo cards with a free trial of The Bingo Maker bingo card maker using our wide variety of bingo templates

Thank you bingo word list
Arigato (Japanese) |
Do jeh (Chinese) |
Khob Khun Kha (Thai) |
Salamat (Philippines) |
Terima kasih (Indonesian) |
Cheers (English) |
Efharisto (Greek) |
Mahalo (Hawaiian) |
Shukriyah (Hindi) |
Thank you (English) |
Dank (Dutch) |
Gracias (Spanish) |
Merci (French) |
Spasiba (Russian) |
Toda (Hebrew) |
Danke (German) |
Grazie (Italian) |
Obrigado (Portuguese) |
Tack (Swedish) |
Kiitos (Finnish) |
Dankie (Afrikaans) |
Hvala (Croatia) |
Shukran (Arabic) |
Takk (Icelandic) |
Blagodaria (Bulgarian) |
How to Play Thank You Bingo
- Print out your custom made bingo cards or pre-made bingo cards using the The Bingo Maker, the bingo call list of all bingo items is included.You may cut the bingo list to items and pick them randomly from a hat.
- Cut the bingo cards and hand out a bingo card to each guest
- Put the squares into a small box or hat and draw them out one at a time, reading the word out loud. Each guest needs to find the word on their card and mark it.
- Draw out all bingo items until someone fills in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) and yells "BINGO!"
Last but not least don't forget the prizes as everyone appreciates the little prize at the end.
How can you benefit from The Bingo Maker
Here are the benefits of using The Bingo Maker:
Make custom printable bingo cards for any classroom subjects
Free pre-made word list and templates you may edit according to your needs. |
Fully customize your bingo cards; font, colors and pictures. |
Free trial version - download The Bingo Maker to see if it fits your needs. |
Save money - once time fee for unlimited bingo cards |
Save paper – print up to 6 cards on one paper sheet |
Related Links
Thanksgiving bingo cards, List of Languages bingo cards, Christmas bingo cards, Location bingo cards, School related words Bingo Cards, Shapes Bingo Cards, Time Bingo Cards,
